The Green Metamorphosis of Saxion Library Deventer

Saxion Library is a popular spot among students.

You can study there quietly, individually or with a small group.

Since last week, the library in Deventer has undergone a metamorphosis. The space has been transformed into a green oasis of tranquility. At several spots, plant containers and pots with lush plants have been placed, creating an even more pleasant atmosphere, welcoming people to stick around.

Research shows that the presence of plants makes a space more attractive, that humidity in the room increases and thermal comfort improves. Moreover, plants contribute to a more positive state of mind and lead to greater satisfaction with one’s work performance.

Hopefully this green metamorphosis will affect the well-being of our library visitors as well.

More greenery would also be nice for Enschede’s library visitors. We will try our best to make it happen there too

Photos: J.M. Koopmans