Library guide human rights and children’s rights

On 23 April 2024 a new library guide is added to Saxion Library: Human Rights and Children’s Rights‘. This library guide contains an extensive collection s.a. digital documents – in both English and Dutch – divided into the following sections:

  • Welcome
  • Perspectives
  • Legal framework
  • Educational Materials 
  • Programmes for the implementation of human and children’s rights in education
  • Saxion Library

The responsible lecturer is Francien Iedema of the Academy of People & Society. If you have any questions about this library guide, please contact her.

Also new at the Saxion Library is the human- and children’s rights game Rights of Life (in Dutch). It can be borrowed from the Saxion Library and the Documentation Centre of the Apeldoorn location. 

In Rights of Life, the player takes on the role of his character,  who is confronted with events and dilemmas related to human- and children’s rights on his life path. Through their own choices and discussions with fellow players, the player learns to know, understand and apply these rights.
The game master ensures that the game is played in accordance with the guidelines.

Rights of Life was designed by students of the Honours Programme Health Care & Social Work and Smart Solutions Semester. It is still being developed. Players and game leaders are therefore asked to complete a short evaluation afterwards.

Are you a lecturer/researcher and are you interested in exploring the possibilities of a library guide? Please contact the account manager of your study programme or send an email to