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Text content (nl)
Text content (en)
Remark (nl)
Remark (en)
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{{item.en_US_remarks || emptyFieldText}}

Saxion Glossary

The Saxion Glossary (Saxion terminology list) contains translations of around 1300 terms that are used within Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the field of education and HRM, supplemented by general, educational and Saxion workfield-related terms. You only need to enter your English or Dutch term and click enter. The translation will appear on the screen immediately, accompanied by some additional information for use or context.

The database

This database is an extended version of the lists of (educational) terms that have been collected over the years at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, in combination with several other terminology lists in the field of higher education. The Saxion Glossary is not an exhaustive dictionary but a terminology list being added to and updated. To the extent that we did not agree on specific Saxion phraseology, the choice is based on the the most up-to-date versions of EU educational terminology. We hope that this database continues to grow and will contribute to a consistent translation of terminology within Saxion.

Do you have any suggestions or additions?

You can send suggestions for the list to All incoming suggestions are processed within 2 weeks in order to keep the database up-to-date. This database is available for your convenience and your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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