Search and find
Through the Saxion Library catalogue (search.saxionbibliotheek.nl) you can search for all books and journals in the library. By default our Discovery service is selected, which enables you to search our catalogue and our most important full text databases in one go.

In the catalogue you can search by title, author and keyword. The catalogue can be accessed everywhere. In the library there are computers at the that are exclusively intended for searching in the catalogue. There are also specific and generic databases in which you can find information, often fulltext articles.
Working at home on your assignment or thesis? Looking for information for your presentation? Use LEAN Library. This free browser extension gives you access to information for your study. From anywhere and anytime.

How does it work?
This library browser extension simplifies your access to digital resources wherever you are. Are you studying abroad, just around the corner in a café or just at home? Anywhere you go, you can click through to full text articles in the Saxion Library resources. Once you have downloaded the extension, found an article on the internet and want to click through to read it, you can immediately click through when it is available in a Saxion Library database.

When using the work of others, a correct source reference is required. You can use different reference styles for referencing a source. Each style gives you the possibility to mention your sources in a correct way. The most commonly used reference style in the Netherlands is the APA-style. Also at Saxion we use APA.
Read more on our APA webpage!
To search for information, you can use our catalogue and search engines such as Google and/or the databases of the library.
Be aware that with open internet (e.g. Google) you have to do the quality control yourself. The databases can be found at search.saxionbibliotheek.nl. You can use the databases from home and through the Saxion network.
Saxion’s theses are digitally stored in the HBO-kennisbank.
If you do not find the thesis you are looking for, please contact your graduation office for more information.

Of course we can! In all Saxion Library branches you can turn to the desk with your questions. You can also ask a question via libraryservices@saxion.nl or via the chat at the bottom of this page.
Go to our website Research Skills. There you will find everything you need to search for information, manuals and the possibility to test your knowledge about searching.

In Enschede we have 300 places. In Deventer there are 200 places. And in Apeldoorn there is space for 16 people to study in the library.
- In the library you are allowed to talk and discuss quietly, without hindering others.
- In our silence zone it is silent. This is clearly indicated.
- Eating is not allowed in the library.
- Drinking is allowed from a bottle or cup with lid.
- On PC’s it is only allowed to use software from the Saxion application menu.
- The PC’s are meant for study and research. Not for recreative and commercial use.
Yes, there are toilets in the library.
Saxion Library offers you the option to book a single user or group studyroom for up to two hours per day. Go to Study room reservation
Borrowing from Saxion Library
With your valid studentnumber / employee account you can borrow books from our lending collection. We have a maximum of 10 books. You can borrow them for 3 weeks. Our reference books, recognizable by a red dot on the back, can, in some cases be borrowed for a maximum of one day. Those books are to be returned the same day. We prefer to keep these books available for everyone in the library as much as possible.
If you return your books too late, we apply a fine of € 0.20 per day. In the case of reference books (on daily loan) this is € 5.00 per day
You can renew your books via the catalogue (search.saxionbibliotheek.nl). In your overview you can see what you have at home and if renewal is possible.
Lendable books can be taken from the shelf yourself. Then take them to the information desk, where you can borrow the books through self-service or we will lend them to you.
If you are not at Saxion, you can request books via the catalogue (search.saxionbibliotheek.nl) Please specify at which location you want to pick up the books at the desk
If a book has been lent, make a reservation via search.saxionbibliotheek. As soon as it is available for you, you will automatically receive an e-mail from the library.
It is possible to request a book or article from another libary.
Saxion offers students and staff members a service known as interlibrary loans: if books or journal articles are not available in its own collection, they can be requested from another library through the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service.
Students rates are €5 per book or article (1-10 pages, €0.50 per additional page)
The service is offered free of charge to Saxion staff.
Please send your request via email to libraryservices@saxion.nl
Make sure to mention your approval of the request charges and where you would like to pick up a requested book.
If you have problems with the login via search.saxionbibliotheek.nl, please get in touch with us. Start a chat on our website or email us at libraryservices@saxion.nl.
Closing the tab or your browser and access the page again something resolves the problem.
It is possible that your data has not yet been processed in the library system. We can solve this immediately for you.
Research skills
See ses.saxionbibliotheek.nl for more information. If you are a Saxion employee, you can contact your account manager of Saxion Library. The contact details of your account manager can be found on Opening hours & contact.
Go to ses.saxionbibliotheek.nl for information and training sessions that will help you get started. If you have a specific question about support, please contact us.
For more information go to the Open Educational Resources. There you will find more on Creative Commons, Open Access and open education.
We advise you to take a look at our special page on this subject. We also regularly provide APA training. You can find more information on ses.saxionbibliotheek.nl. In our catalogue, via search.saxionbibliotheek.nl, you will find a lot of information about the use of APA.