Saxion Content Services
We are here to advise and support you!
For all your questions about content management, content storage and content access, please contact us. As an employee, researcher, teacher or student.
We think along with you and advise you on where you can best store your content and which content application is best for your purposes. This can be in the DMS (the repository), in Teams, or in one of the other content applications used within Saxion. All content can always be found, we all use the content applications in the same way. We take care of version control and we store the content in a sustainable and secure way (AVG).This way you can always find the content, we all use the content applications in the same way. above, we take care of version management and we store the content in a sustainable and secure way (according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR ).
We also take care of the safe and sustainable storage and archiving of content collections, such as the Saxion Board post, student files and the Open Educational Resources (OER). In doing so, we provide advice on procedural issues relating to the creation or maintenance of a content collection (e.g. retention periods, file formats, life cycle, etc.).
We advise and support you in the development of a metadata model that meets your needs, so that you can retrieve and publish all your content. We do this for documents as well as (research) data for education, research and corporate purposes.
We provide validated resources, by building and maintaining a physical and digital library collection that you and/or others can use for work or study. We are open to suggestions for the purchase of media for educational, research and/or business purposes.
You can always ask your questions via, or directly to one of our specialists.